Heart On Sleeve

Rabu, Januari 16, 2019

Oh hai January..
Its not gravity's fault if two people fall for each other, right?
But how could I not fall for someone who listened to Interpol since He was in elementary school, and a big fan of Morrissey?! 

I have million reason why i'd fall for you..
But let me keep the rest inside privately and drown with it. No body needs to know ;)

Entering the Marriage life be like..
Me : Gave my best smile, and He was like.. walking in a park. Jurasic Park! lol 

It isnt always about blood relation. Family is everything.

Alhamdulillah Barakallah. 

Love can make you happier than you've ever been, sadder than you've ever been, angrier than you've ever been. It can elate you and deflate you almost at the same time. One thing we do know wheter you've loved and won or Loved and lost, Its always Worth it.

- Indah & Ingga, Dec 09, 2018- 

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